A comprehensive training program for sport climbers

Sport climbing is a complex endeavor. To perform your best you need:

- the strength and power for doing hard crux moves
- the endurance to keep going when the chains feel still far away
- the capacity to climb hard all day

And you might have to do all of this when you’re pumped and scared 10 feet above your last bolt. So you’re going to need some mental skills too.

Enter Crush It Sport Climbing, where we’re addressing your progress holistically. This program combines strength, skill development, and endurance – all while improving your tactics for onsighting and redpointing.

The best part? The program is flexible and designed with the busy adult athlete in mind.

If you’re on a time budget but you want to improve your sport climbing, this program is for you.

Start Training with Crush It Sport Climbing

“What is it like to train with this program?”

Crush It will challenge you to improve your climbing from a variety of angles. This program was designed to:

  • Take the guesswork out of your progression in climbing.
  • Help you stick with a training plan, while leaving you time for climbing outside or climbing for fun with your friends in the gym.
  • Be user friendly, flexible, and adaptable.

Inside of Crush It Sport Climbing you will do a mix of: 

  • Strength training
  • Hangboard training
  • Skill & movement development
  • Learning redpoint and onsight skills
  • Bouldering
  • Route climbing

While the program is laid out for you, this program is self-guided and self-supported.

This program is excellent for you if you are self-motivated and already have a solid foundational habit of going climbing at least 2-3 times a week.

In this program, you’ll be able to show up to the gym with a purpose and a plan. No more winging it and hoping it’s working.

Instead of spending energy deciding what to do, your energy can go towards getting better instead.



Do you feel like you want to pull your hair out because you’ve listened to 15 different climbing training podcasts and they all say different things?

Let’s cut through the noise.
It’s time to simplify your approach and follow through with a plan.



  • Flexible, adaptable programming.

  •  Customizable programming depending on your bouldering objectives.

  • Convenient app platform to view your plan and track your progress.

  • Programming you can complete in 6-8 hours per week.


Crush It Includes

  • A pre-training physical assessment (coach evaluation + feedback not included).

  •  12 weeks of progressive programming delivered in 4 week training blocks.

  •  Bonus 4 weeks of maintenance programming to use after your program is complete.

  •  Program delivered to your phone via Trainerize app

  •  A combination of: 
    - strength training
    - hangboarding
    - climbing technique 
    - climbing sessions for strength, power, and endurance development
    - tactical education for onsighting and redpointing

  •  Coach communication is NOT included. For a coach supported program see Custom Training 

What sets Crush It apart from other sport climbing programs?

I find that there are many programs which are...

1. Way too time consuming for the average weekend warrior.
2. Inflexible (in terms of scheduling and equipment requirements).
3. Not designed to be adaptable for a variety of sport climbing goals.

For example, the way youā€™d train for a 40 foot, vertical, crimpy sport climb is different from how youā€™d train for a 120 foot steep climb on jugs.

Thatā€™s why Crush It Sport Climbing:Ā 

  • Takes 6-8 hours per week.
  • Teaches you how to shorten up your sessions for the not-quite-perfect days.
  • Allows for flexible scheduling of your training.
  • Gives you options for training sessions that make sense for your specific climbing objectives.

Crush It Sport Climbing

Pay in Full


One time purchase

  • Duration of the Program:Ā 22 weeks total
  • Track sessionsĀ in app
  • Bonus: Maintenance training block

Pay over time



  • Duration of the Program:Ā 22 weeks total
  • Track sessionsĀ in app
  • Bonus: Maintenance training block

Answers to your questions: 

Crush It Love


“I purchased Crush It because I wanted some guidance on how to train properly. I reached out to Lauren and expressed that I still wanted to be able to climb outside weekly while also training properly to get my first 12a. I enjoyed adding a variety of ways to climb in the bouldering gym rather than just going in to climb routes. I felt stronger and got my first 12a when I wasn't expecting it! Literally shaking with fear on warm up routes before I sent hahaha. I really liked how I was able to still climb outside, use the tension board and the training was not overwhelming. I would recommend climbers who have never trained before, or who have!, to Lauren and her programs because they are explained very well and help you accomplish your goals!” - Carolyn

Are you ready to become a better, stronger sport climber?