A comprehensive training program for bouldering

As a boulderer, you need strength, power, resilient fingers, and about a million and one tricks up your sleeve. From the way you approach a flash attempt, to how much weight you put in your feet - there are myriad angles you can work from to get better at bouldering.

But which ones are the most important? How can you get the most bang for your buck? And most importantly, how do you decide what to do when you don’t have infinite time to spend at the gym?

Enter Crush It Bouldering, where we’re addressing your progress holistically. This program combines strength, skill development, and endurance (yeah, you read that right, endurance) – all while improving your tactics for flashing and projecting boulders.

The best part? The program is flexible and designed with the busy adult athlete in mind.

If you’re on a time budget but you want to improve your sport climbing, this program is for you.

Start Training with Crush It Bouldering

“What is it like to train with this program?”

Crush It will challenge you to improve your climbing from a variety of angles. This program was designed to:

  • Take the guesswork out of your your training.
  • Help you stick with a plan, while leaving you time for climbing outside or climbing for fun with your friends in the gym.
  • Be user friendly, flexible, and adaptable.

Inside of Crush It Bouldering you will develop: 

  • Strength and power for breaking into harder grades, and doing harder moves. Your strength and power development will come from a combination of climbing sessions, hangboarding, and strength training off the wall.
  • Toolbox of movement skills. Getting stronger is awesome, but getting better is arguably more important. Every climbing session involves movement skill warm-ups to make sure you’re working your weaknesses and learning new ways to move.
  • Work capacity, which means longer days out at the boulders, and more quality attempts on project level climbs, and of course, the capacity for more climbing practice and more challenging forms of training.
  • Tactical skills. Part of being a better rock climber is learning to work smarter, not harder. In this program you’ll be challenged to send hard things fast, and learn to use better tactics for faster sending, indoors and outside.

While the program is completely laid out for you, this program is self-guided and self-supported.

This program is excellent for you if you are self-motivated and already have a solid foundational habit of going climbing at least 2-3 times a week.

In this program, you’ll be able to show up to the gym with a purpose and a plan. No more winging it and hoping it’s working.

Instead of spending energy deciding what to do, your energy can go towards getting better instead.



Do you feel like you want to pull your hair out because you’ve listened to 15 different climbing training podcasts and they all say different things?

Let’s cut through the noise.
It’s time to simplify your approach and follow through with a plan.



  • Flexible, adaptable programming.

  • Customizable programming depending on your bouldering objectives and the equipment you have available to you.

  • Convenient app platform to view your plan and track your progress.

  • Programming you can complete in 6-8 hours per week.


Crush It Includes

  • A pre-training physical assessment (coach evaluation + feedback not included).

  •  12 weeks of progressive programming delivered in 4 week training blocks.

  •  Bonus 4 weeks of maintenance programming to use after your program is complete.

  •  Program delivered to your phone via Trainerize app

  •  A combination of 
    - strength training
    - hangboarding
    - climbing technique 
    - climbing sessions for strength, power, and endurance development
    - tactical education for projecting and flashing boulders

  •  Coach communication is NOT included. For a coach supported program see Custom Training 

What sets Crush It apart from other bouldering programs?

I find that there are many programs which are...

1. Way too time consuming for the average weekend warrior.
2. Inflexible (in terms of scheduling and equipment requirements).
3. Not designed to be adaptable for a variety of bouldering goals.

For example, the way you would train for a 5 move, vertical crimp testpiece is not the same as how you would train for a 20 move, steep, endurance boulder.

That’s why Crush It Bouldering: 

  • Takes 6-8 hours per week.
  • Teaches you how to shorten up your sessions for the not-quite-perfect days.
  • Allows for flexible scheduling of your training.
  • Gives you options for training sessions that make sense for your specific climbing objectives.



Crush It Bouldering

Pay in Full


One time purchase

  • Duration of the Program:Ā 22 weeks total
  • Track sessionsĀ in app
  • Bonus: Maintenance training block

Pay over time

$44 / month

Pay over time

  • Duration of the Program:Ā 22 weeks total
  • Track sessionsĀ in app
  • Bonus: Maintenance training block

Answers to your questions: 

Crush It Love


Crush it helped me kick start my journey into climbing training. Like many new climbers, I was obsessed with the sport and only wanted to get better. Crush it helped me focus my obsession into fun workouts, drills, and lifts that not only helped me become a better climber, but opened up a whole new avenue of training that I didn’t know existed. I would highly recommend Crush it to anyone who is looking to start training for climbing but isn’t sure where to begin. It’s self paced, jam packed with material and the first type of training I’ve ever done that makes me excited to go workout. If it’s not fun I won’t do it, and Crush it is definitely a blast šŸ˜Š” - Abby


“After last summer I felt like my climbing was not improving… It was obvious that by doing the same old I was not progressing.

First I was a bit overwhelmed by the big change in my climbing routine. But quite quickly I started seeing changes… The biggest change so far is in my mental game. I'm trying harder and harder climbs. And seeing that I can learn those hard moves! And I love it!

In the program I like the structure and that it forces me to try all kinds of things and work on both my strengths and weaknesses. And at the same time I have been able to modify it to my needs and my schedule.

To anyone thinking about trying crush it: do it! You will learn a ton of great stuff!! šŸ¤©šŸ¤©” - Heidi

Are you ready to become a better, stronger boulderer?